The oil & gas industry should make data quality a central focus if digitalisation is going to work.
Digital Oil Refinery & Marketing becomes essential & creates significantly added values in its future business models.
It covers Biofuel, GTL (Gas to Liquid), Coal Liquefaction, Solar Cell, Geothermal, Wind Power, Hydro/Microhydro & Nuclear.
It covers Digital System for City Gas Distribution, CNG (Compressed Natural Gas), Small-scale LNG System, Regasification Module, Storage & Transportation, Co-Generation & Gas/LNG Market Development.
It becomes trending business in near future to absorb the electricity from various energy resources. It covers Open Access Digital Network, IPP (Independent Power Producers) & Mainmouth Power Generator.
Reliable & reputable companies always put HSSE in highest standard. The digital HSSE system will improve the Technology used, People (Professionals) & it's Process.
We create the digital Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), Social Mapping & share the Media & Communication to support your company grow & sustain.
About Us
Digital Energy Asia (DEA) is an Indonesian digital energy service company that provides you a comprehensive solution on consultancy, advocacy, deep-dive study, and implementation of digital transformation on energy sectors, including oil and gas, mining, renewable energy, electricity industries, and HSSE (Health, Safety, Security, and Environment), based on TECOPEL (Technical, Economical, Commercial, Organizational, Political, Environmental, and Legal) aspects.
Expert Advisers
DEA is supported by experts and professionals with different backgrounds and they have 5 - 30 years of experience in various working areas.
Why Us ?
DEA gives an integrated solution to maintaining your company's growth and sustaining the business by introducing a digital transformation approach.
Our Core Value
DEA has three Core Values always implemented to maintain its work performance. i.g.: INTEGRITY, INNOVATIVE, and INCLUSIVE.
Our Services
We deliver a comprehensive solution on consultancy, deep-dive study, and implementation of digital transformation on energy sectors, including oil and gas, mining, renewable energy, electricity industries, and HSSE (Health, Safety, Security, and Environment) by introducing the TECOPEL™ Approach that stands for Technical, Economical, Commercial, Organizational, Political, Environmental, and Legal assessment and analysis, that covers technology, system, and people.

Est. Since 2015
DEA was established in 2015 by initiating the small projects on Digital Application for Dynamic Music Concert Support, Digital Cyber Security, Integrated Transportation System, Intelligent Real Estate Marketing.
Our Projects
We deliver a project proposal and its implementation to help a company grow and sustain in the current business environment by developing a digital system in business process, organization, and operations to maximize profit and/or optimize cost, and still consider and comply with the high HSSE standards.
To speed-up the implementation of Digital Transformation in your company, we provide Webinars, Training, Workshops, FGD, Seminar, Conferences, and another up-skilling program.

I believe that DEA could help the oil and gas companies in Indonesia grow with very efficient costs by introducing the digital transformation approach.

It's a great idea that we can collaborate with Sekolah Alam to develop digital education for any people anywhere in Indonesia and other countries.

I support the idea of DEA that will take the role of social entrepreneurship. Not many company concerns about it.

An interesting course, in terms of the digital era context, is up to date and easy to understand. Enough to provide input on how the oil industry will be in the future in the digital era.

With digitalization, the possibility of reducing costs is very large, in this training we get knowledge about what data can be optimized digitally.
Our Clients
Our Strategic Partners and Clients are technology and service providers from multinational and national companies, Government Institution on Research and Development, Private Research Centers, Universities, Oil & Gas/Energy Companies, and many others.