Our Advisers & Technical Experts
Digital Energy Asia (DEA) is supported by experienced energy professionals, especially for petroleum engineering and digital technology practitioners. Our synergetic team is always ready to help your company find the end-to-end advanced solutions.
Salis S. Aprilian, Ph.D.
Petroleum Specialist & Professional Leader
Graduated from Petroleum Engineering, ITB (Institute of Technology Bandung), and Texas A&M University, USA. He has experience in managing exploration-production oil/gas fields, gas & LNG Projects, LNG Operations, and as a Technical Expert/Strategic Adviser in PT Pertamina (Persero).
Prof. Ir. Asep Kurnia Permadi, M.Sc., Ph.D.
Senior lecturer at Petroleum Engineering, Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB). Ph.D., Petroleum Engineering, Texas A&M University, 1997. M.S., Petroleum Engineering, Texas A&M University, 1994. B.S., Petroleum Engineering, Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia, 1987.
Ir. Budhi Ismayadi, MBA.
Information Technology Professional
Graduated from Engineering Physics, ITB (Bandung Institute of Technology), and School Business and Management ITB. He has experience in managing and delivering IT solutions for oil and gas production business in PT Chevron Pacific Indonesia.
Peter Cockcroft
Petroleum Industry Expert
A very experienced Petroleum industry veteran, he has been in charge of about 50 farmins and farmouts during his International career, and is co-author of “Successful Farmins & Farmouts for Oil & Gas Professionals”.
Ir. Mariwu Dengah
Petroleum Engineer, GGRP Database Expert.
Ir. Sugi Handoko, EMBA.
Petroleum Engineer, Upstream Oil & Gas Operation Expert.
Atria Sudibjo, B.Sc., MBA.
Business Administration, Business Development Expert.
Oka Setiawan, B.Sc., M.Sc.
Computer Science & IT Engineer, Digital Data Management Expert.
Ir. Baris Sitorus, MM.
Petroleum Engineer
He has more 30 years of experience in Oil & Gas Activities: Exploration & Production of Pertamina, Management Production Sharing BPKKA, Government Agency BPMIGAS and Special Task Force SKK Migas, Shipping Company, Presenter/ Lecture, Advisor, and Consultant.
Ir. Iswahyudi
Petroleum Engineer
Obtained his bachelor degree in Petroleum Engineering Department, University of Pembangunan Nasional “Veteran” Yogyakarta. His got Scholarship from Pertamina.
Herianto, BE., Ir., Drs., M.Sc., Ph.D.
Senior Lecturer at the Petroleum Engineering Study Program
As a Senior Lecturer at the Petroleum Engineering Study Program at UPN Veteran Yogyakarta who has been teaching since 1983, a Postgraduate Lecturer at the Master Program in Petroleum Engineering, a Masters Program in Geological Engineering at UPN Veteran Yogyakarta, a Postgraduate Lecturer in Chemical Engineering Program at the University of Riau, a Senior Trainer and team consultant in several oil companies.
Dr. Andre Herlambang, M.Acc, DBA(C), Ak, CA, CRMP, CFP, CHRM
Oil & Gas Industry Practitioner
Experienced oil and gas industry practitioner who has held various managerial positions at PT Pertamina (Persero), most recently served as Director of Finance and Business Support and Acting Director of Operations at PT Pertamina Lubricants.
Firman Azhari, ST, M.Sc.
Electrical Engineering & Information Technology Expert
Graduated from Electrical Engineering ITB, and Tokyo Institute of Technology. He has experience in creating value for the digital system for entertainment and financing companies.
Sande Arrahman Harsa, B.Sc.
Software & Application Engineer
Graduated from Computer Science at Melbourne University. He has 3 years of experience in designing applications for iOS and Android for transportation and real estate companies in Australia.
Tera Wednes Oktireva Harsa, ST, M.Sc.
Architect & Master of Business Innovation
Graduated from Architecture Dept, ITB, and Manchester University. She has four years of experience in designing urban communities and business innovation.
Churiana Agustin, S.I.Kom.
Communication Specialist
Graduated from the University of Padjajaran, Bandung. She has 10 work experience in media and communication, education, and team-building training programs.
Dra. Ade Hartini, M.Pd.
Education Professional
Graduated from Language Department, Institut Keguruan Ilmu Pendidikan (IKIP) Bandung and University of Pakuan, Bogor. She has 30 years of experience in Teaching and Education.
Hafif Rahmat Isna, ST, M.Sc.
Telecommunication Expert
Graduated from STT Telkom, Bandung, and University at Albany, USA. He has 30 years of experience in telecommunication and education institutions.
Intan Kalih Sekarwangi, S.I.Kom
Graduated from University of Padjajaran, Bandung. She has 5 work experience in media and communication. She had been working for an international lifestyle magazine.
Abdul Manan, S.Kom
Marketing & Business Management
Graduated from Computer Science of The Gunadarma University, Jakarta, and has 6 years of experience in marketing and business cooperation.
Alief S. Syaifulloh, S.Kom
Software & Application Engineer
Graduated from Computer Science of The Gunadarma University, Jakarta, and has 9 years experience in designing websites and IT systems.