The Ministry of ESDM Does Not Advise the Use of “Kartu Hemat Energi” and “Energy Savers”

JAKARTA – In connection with the circulation of “Kartu Hemat Energi” and “Energy Saver” devices which are claimed to be tools that can save electricity bill payments or electricity tokens, the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) has never promoted or invited the public to use these tools.

This was confirmed by the Director of Electricity Program Development Guidance of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Jisman P Hutajulu, when met by the team in his office in Jakarta, Tuesday (28/8).

Jisman revealed, there are two models of equipment that are claimed to save electricity accounts on the market, namely “Kartu Hemat Energi” with brands such as Extra Cards and Genius, as well as capacitor/Energy Saver/Energy Saver devices. The brand’s conductors include Enter, Power Tech, Hannecs, Dragon Power, Save Trick, International SORJ, Power Plus, and several other brands.

“The results of testing the use of “Kartu Hemat Energi” by the Research and Development Center (Puslitbang) of PT PLN (Persero) showed no changes to the parameters of voltage, current, energy and harmonics before and after the cards were attached to electrical devices,” Jisman said.

Likewise the results of the “Energy Saver” test by the National Research Center of PLN and the Electrical Measurement Laboratory of the Faculty of Engineering, University of Indonesia.

“This Energy Saver can indeed improve the power factor. So if the household subscribes to PLN 2,200 VA, if the power factor is only 0.8 then the power that can be used in the house is only 1,760 Watts, but if the power factor is close to 1 then we can use electricity in the house is close to 2,200 Watts. This energy saver does not reduce electricity bills, even if it is used with expert calculations, it will cause waste in the household, also cause harmonics, bad waves, which can damage other electrical devices, ” he explained.

At present most of the utilization of household electricity, including refrigerators, air conditioners, and water pumps, has been equipped with capacitors whose amount has been calculated according to the need to maintain electricity quality. “The two equipment models also still require thorough testing of the suitability of electricity safety standards,” Jisman said.

Jisman appealed to consumers of electricity to be wise and careful about claiming this electricity saver. Savings of electricity accounts can be done, among others, by using energy-saving electrical equipment and do not forget to turn off electricity if it is not needed.

“We also ask the Producers and/or Distributors to coordinate in advance with the Directorate General of Electricity, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, related to the safety of equipment that is claimed to be able to save electricity,” he said.

Communication Division of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (Dyah Kusuma Dewi/Khoiria Oktaviani)


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